Product Detail

Auto-Max Super Saw

Product Overview

PRS is proud to present the latest in the evolution of our ever popular Opti-Max trim saws – The Auto-Max!

Based in the latest technologies, and produced through two years of extensive research and development, the Auto-Max provides solutions to the most central issues of pallet lumber reclaim – optimizing of lumber and labor. With only 1 – 2 operators the Auto-Max can feed, scan, optimize, prioritize output end products, cut and sort multiple lengths/ widths/thickness categories – accurately and consistently at 3,000+ boards per hour. The lumber scanning technology accurately measure, in real-time 100-ft per minute, the width, length, and thickness of pallet boards and 2- and 4-way pallet stringers using one overhead scan sensor and one server computer. We know grading and sorting is important for manufacturing high-quality and longer lasting pallets. Manual grading and sorting is a slow, inaccurate, and difficult process. With presorting and optimized sawing of pallet parts can reduce processing cost and product higher grade pallet parts. Less demanding jobs with improved ergonomics means workers are less likely experience injury or burnout.

With pallet component scanning an optimization, this system scans, optimizes, and sorts rough or recycled pallet stock based on value or production priority. 

This is the solution to the labor shortages this industry is experiencing. Automated trim saw systems help you do more with less, this alleviates physical exertion and requires less labor force.  


The Basics

  • Unscrambler to singulate and feed boards
  • Multi-strand chain conveyor for operator tending and lumber scanning
  • Trap gate automatically removes unusable boards after scanning – before trimming
  • Lugged chain conveyor with parallel justify rollers
  • High speed moving fence and direct drive double trim saw
  • Four drop saws – positioning preset by PLC and servo motors
  • Overhead scan sensor and one server computer

Auto-Max Tech Specs and Benefits

  • Measurement by laser and high-speed 3D camera
  • Speed up to 93.75 lineal ft per minute
  • Overhead arch installation for top scanning with option for bottom scanning, and expansion to 8'
  • Uses just one server computer
  • Defects removed by fence positioning and trim saw/ drop saws 
  • Defect identification and positioning 
  • Configurable defect definition and tolerances 
  • Solutions transmitted to production line PLC

Additional Information


Board Dimensions

  • Cuts 30” to 60” lengths.
  • Boards that are longer than 62" increments will pause the machine to be removed after scanning 
  • Accepts 2” to 7” Wide Boards
  • Accepts 24” to 62” Long Boards
    • Less than 24” Boards will be rejected to the scrap conveyor
    • Longer than 62” Boards will pause the machine to be removed after scanning
  • Accepts .25” to 1.75” Thick Boards
  • Hands-Free individual Board loading onto Chain Lugs using Unscrambler
    • For Processing (Trimming, Cutting, final Sorting), and Timing
    • Unscrambler Board Loading by user. Several means can be applied
  • Boards with up to 2.50” of unusable area from Trimming Edge can be cut off
  • Trim Edge is the edge of the Board near the Trim Saw of the Auto-MAX Machine with the programmed Mobile Fence

Sorting Capabilities:

  • Priorities of Sorting
  • Quantity Counts (Total of Job and BIN Total)
  • Pause and Re-Start
    • Can Re-Start after a Pause to fix Board problems
    • Timing will still be in place for processing and sorting
  • Scrap Conveyance
    • Edge and End Cuts and Rejected Boards
    • Fall into Scrap Conveyor below 
  • Resolution and Line Speed:
    • 3,000+ Boards per Hour 
    • Designed Speed: 93.75 lineal ft per minute
    • Longitudinal 20 scans per inch (0.05")
    • Transveral 30 cross section per inch (0.033")
  • Saw Blades for Edge Trim Saw and Cut-Off Saws 
    • 16" DIA 
    • 60 Tooth 
    • Nailbuster® 
    • Custom KERF teeth 
    • 30mm Bore 
  • Cut-Off Saw Motor: 7.5HP, 3600 RPM, 460 3PH, TEFC
  • Edge-Trim Saw: 3HP, 3600 RPM, 460 3PH

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